Animated feature “Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive” distributed worldwide by TwelveP Animation

Animated feature "Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive" distributed worldwide by TwelveP Animation

Animated feature Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive distributed worldwide by TwelveP Animation is seeing a wide theatrical release in the UAE, KSA, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan, and Iraq since May 4. Majid Al Futtaim Cinemas (VOX) is distributing in the Gulf region, having opened the movie on 100+ screens.

The animated film Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive is being released in the Middle East, Turkey and Bulgaria.

From May 4, the animated film Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive has started at the international box office. The film produced entirely on Unreal Engine, engine used to develop computer games, will be seen by viewers from seven countries of the Middle East, Turkey, Cyprus, and then Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

The animated 3D feature will be released for wide distribution in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Jordan and Iraq. The distributor will be Majid Al Futtaim Cinemas, which operates VOX Cinemas, the largest cinema network in the region. The company owns more than 550 cinema screens in the Persian Gulf region, making it the largest and fastest growing cinema chain in the region. After being released in the Middle East, the film will premiere in Turkey in July this year, the distributor will be Fabula Films. Moreover, in autumn, the cartoon will be shown in Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

Detective Chirp & the Golden Beehive tells the story of a fictional town, called Honey Hills, and its resident – the Squirrel Chirp. The main hero finds himself in series of mysterious events related to the theft of the Town’s valuable artifact – The Golden Beehive. Together with his friends: the wise owl detective named Sophie, the bear cub Phil, raccoon Nick, squirrel Lucy and many others he investigates the disappearance of the Town’s lucky charm. An unlucky character participates in mysterious events related to the theft of an important artifact – the Golden Beehive. The friends help to unravel the mystical chain of events – a wise owl detective named Sophie, a simple-minded friend – a bear cub Phil, an energetic raccoon Nick, a funny squirrel Lucy and many others.

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